Crayola's Gone Cray

National Crayon Day is tomorrow as well as the day that Crayola will be announcing the color that they are going to retire from the 24-box set on March 31, 2017.
In the meantime, the suspense is rising with the hashtags “WhosLeaving” and “ShareYourFave.” They are encouraging the public to use those hashtags along with a picture on social media to support the color that should not go on the chopping block.
Not only are they voicing on which color should stay but, it is also a platform to voice on which should go. Some are wanting Orange to be let loose to make a statement on President Trump because somehow everything has to be a political statement in today’s world. Meanwhile, others want white, green yellow, and blue green for various reasons.
Teachers across the nation have been using this as an opportunity to teach children about persuasive writing, advocating and other similar exercises to help them learn that their opinions matter.
Regardless of whether you want to save a beloved color or toss out, the company is gaining a lot of attention with this campaign. Their staff have also produced an oversized 24-box set that the public can snap a picture in New York City.

The current colors in the set are red, orange, yellow, yellow orange, blue, green, indigo, violet, brown, black, gray, carnation pink, blue green, red violet, red orange, yellow green, blue violet, white, violet red, cerulean, apricot, scarlet, Dandelion and green yellow.
Crayola will keep us on our toes until 8:45 a.m. on Friday to reveal the verdict. They will announce the chosen color to retire and show us which color is worthy enough to take its place on Facebook Live. If you want to find out exactly when they will reveal the results, click HERE.